
The draft renewal agreement of the National Collective Bargaining Agreement (CCNL) for Metalworking and Mechanical Engineering was approved on 26 November 2016

13 December 2016

On 26 November 2016 the draft renewal agreement of the National Collective Bargaining Agreement (CCNL) for Metalworking and Mechanical Engineering was approved. Among the major news: (a) a four-year agreement, from 2016 to 2019; (b) effective from January 2017, recognition of the inflation ex post per year and no longer ex ante, thus with no wage increases for 2016 as partial compensation; (c) effective date of salary increases in June of each year; (d) effective from 1 January 2017, absorption of the individual increases according to the minimum rates recognised after said date, except in the case they were issued with a non-absorption clause, as well as of the fixed collective elements of the compensation established by corporate bargaining after such date, excluding the amounts related to the provision of work; (e) one-off payment of 80 euros at gross, along with the salary of the month of March 2017; (f) corporate performance bonuses fully variable; (g) effective from October 2017, recognition of free integrative health care to all employees and their dependants; (h) strengthening of complementary social security, increasing the corporate contribution, effective from June 2017, to the Cometa fund from 1.6% to 2% of the compensation; (i) simplification and improvement of regulations (for example, parental leaves, paid permits, working hours, travel and transfers); (l) corporate welfare introduction: EUR 100 from June 2017, EUR 150 from June 2018 and EUR 200 from June 2019. The draft agreement will be submitted for a workers’ referendum planned for mid-December.

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