Tag: Redundancy Arrangements

Entitlement to damages if the extraordinary redundancy fund (CIGS) rotation is unlawful (Andrea Di Nino, Sintesi – Ordine dei Consulenti del Lavoro, February 2023)

With its order no. 37021 of 16 December 2022, the Court of Cassation stated that a worker is entitled to compensation for damages if, under an extraordinary redundancy fund ...

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Support Decree: the news on wage subsidies

On the 23rd March the so called “Support Decree” entered in force and introduced additional measures to support businesses following the protracted epidemiological emergency COVID-19. In particular, the wage ...

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An employer forced to dismiss has the right to reimbursement of the NASPI ticket

The Court of Udine with its ruling no. 106/2020, confirmed that an employer that is forced to dismiss an employee for unjustified absence has the right to withhold from ...

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CIGO, FIS and CIGD: INPS operating procedure

Art. 1 of Decree Law no. 14 August 2020 no. 104 ( “August Decree”), converted, with amendments, by Law 13 October 2020 no. 126, has reviewed the period of ...

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DIS-COLL for consultants and adjustment of the contribution rate

INPS issued official memorandum No. 115 dated 19 July 2017, providing application instructions regarding the provision established in article 7 of the Law 81/2017 which – by integrating and ...

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Work: draft is ready for the agreement between State and Region on refinancing welfare provisions.

The President’s Office of the Council of Ministers distributed the agreement scheme yesterday for a 24 month extension on various forms of income assistance, including exemption for welfare provisions. ...

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INPS (Italian National Institute of Social Insurance): unemployment benefits incompatible with full time work

INPS, with its circular letter no. 67/2011, clarified that unemployment benefits are only incompatible with fulltime, open ended work. INPS, with its circular letter no. 67/2011, clarified that unemployment ...

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Extension of Derogation for Cassa Integrazioni Guadagni (redundancy benefits) for 2011

The derogation of the redundancy benefits, since its introduction with the “anti-crisis” decree (Italian Legislative Decree no. 185/08, converted into Italian Law no. 2/09) has been the only instrument ...

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Stability law: Cig (redundancy scheme) with company training confirmed for 2011

The amendment to the stability law (currently up for approval in the House of Deputies), includes, among other changes, the extension for all of 2011 of the possibility for ...

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INPS: the IVS (disability, old age and survivors pension) contribution of the voucher for casual work goes to CIG (redundancy scheme)

INPS with its circular letter no. 130/10, provided clarifications related to the compatibility and possibility of accumulation of redundancy payments and other financial aid with casual work for the ...

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INPS: wage guarantee as a supplement to earnings

INPS issued its memorandum no. 107 on 5 August 2010, specifying that individuals receiving wage guarantee benefits do not necessarily lose these benefits upon finding work as an independent ...

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“On the job” training for companies in distress

More than a year since the issue of the stimulus package under Law Decree 78/2009 (Law 102/2009), the rules have been defined for fully implementing the job saving legislation. ...

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INPS: opening extensions of wage guarantees in exception

With message no. 20024/2010, INPS affirmed that in the case where the company has used wage guarantees in exception for longer than twelve months with an interruption between the ...

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