Tag: Regulations

Employment: the expert’s view on how new legislative changes will help reverse “brain drain” (Labitalia – Adnkronos Group – Andrea di Nino)

Reverse brain drain: from 2024 the new “restricting” legislation on requirements, as explained to Adnkronos/Labitalia by Andrea Di Nino, employment consultant at HR Capital. “Italian Legislative Decree no. 209/2023 ...

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The Milleproroghe Decree converted into law  

On 28 February 2024, Italian Law no.18 of 23 February 2024 was published in the Official Gazette no. 18, converting into law, with amendments, Italian Legislative Decree no. 215 ...

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The Law on Equal Opportunities for Men and Women in Employment is in force

Law of 5 November 2021 no. 162, published in the Official Gazette no. 275 of 18 November, has been in force since 3 December 2021. It contains provisions on ...

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European Court of Justice: minimum wages among mandatory clauses

In the European Court of Justice’s 15 July 2021 ruling on two separate proceedings, it has observed that the rules concerning the country’s minimum wage by which the posted ...

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Inland Revenue: tax relief for professional footballers

In its answer to question no. 447/2021, the Inland Revenue examined the question raised by an Italian football club playing in the top league, which asked for clarifications on ...

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Transnational posting: Italy adopts the new European legislation (Andrea Di Nino, Sintesi– Ordine dei Consulenti del Lavoro, November 2020)

Italian Legislative Decree no. 122/2020, published in the Official Gazette no. 229 of 15 September 2020, adopted the EU Directive 2018/957 concerning transnational posting: the new provisions are contained ...

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Ristori Decree: help for employers

Following the evolution of the coronavirus situation, the government approved a new decree containing help for companies and workers. Specifically. Italian Law Decree no. 137/2020, also called the Ristori ...

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Decree-Law 111/2020: regulatory changes Leave and Smart Working field

The Official Gazette No. 223 published (on 8 September 2020) the Decree Law 111/2020 entitled “Urgent provisions to tackle the unavoidable need for funding and support for the start ...

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Company vehicles and fringe benefits: the first indications from the Revenue Agency

By Resolution No. 46 of 14 August 2020, the Revenue Agency gave its opinion on the use of fringe benefits for tax and contributions purposes in relation to vehicles ...

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Ministry of Labour: the inter-ministerial decree dated 25 March 2016 is in force

The Ministry of Labour website published, on 16 May 2016, the ministerial decree dated 25 March 2016 which governs the issuing of performance bonuses and company profit sharing at ...

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