
HR VIRTUAL BREAKFAST “Ristori and Ristori bis Decree: opportunities and critical issues for enterprises” (HR Capital – De Luca & Partners, 19 November 2020)

13 November 2020

The HR Breakfasts of De Luca & Partners are returning to webinar mode.

Last 19 November, HR Capital and De Luca & Partners organised the HR Virtual Breakfast with a technical and legal focus on the latest developments in employment.

Our Employment Advisor Nunzio Lena and Alessandra Zilla, Senior Associate of De Luca & Partners took stock of the situation on the recent emergency decrees with the moderation of the Managing Partner of De Luca & Partners, Vittorio De Luca.

The event was held from 9:00 am to 10:00 am using the Zoom platform.


  • Ban on dismissals
  • Smart-working and extraordinary leave
  • Social safety nets
  • Contribution exemption
  • Suspension of payments

Attendance is free subject to registration

For information: comunicazione@hrcapital.it


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