
CCNL of Industrial Sector Renewal

3 May 2021

On February 5th  2021, the hypothesis of renewal agreement for the CCNL of Industrial Sector was signed and approved by the workers’ assemblies, as communicated by the trade unions on April 16th.

The trade unions and employers’ parties have made a breakthrough in sectoral collective bargaining, deeply improving certain specific rules of the CCNL.

In particular, the renewal has revised the rules on classification and level of employees and the apprenticeship contract, as well as minimum monthly salaries and corporate welfare.

The most important developments concern the rules on classification and level of employees and the apprenticeship contract.

In detail, the classification is expected to change from one based on “categories” to one based on “levels”, with the abolition of the “category 1”. Workers will need to be reclassified to their new levels by May 2021.

Apprenticeship contract, which until today was categorised by the so called sub-grading system, has been redefined on the basis of a gradual wage increase for the apprentice throughout the training course period.

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