
Renewal of the Tertiary, Distribution and Services National Collective Bargaining Agreement

3 April 2024

On 22 March 2024, Confcommercio, Filcams Cgil, Fisascat Cisl and Uiltucs Uil announced that they had signed the agreement to renew the National Collective Bargaining Agreement (contratto collettivo nazionale di lavoro, ‘CCNL’) for employees of Tertiary, Distribution and Services Companies. Among the changes to the new contract, applicable from 1 April 2023 to 31 March 2027, there is a salary increase connected to the various levels and divided for each year of the CCNL’s term; the first tranche of the increase will be paid from April 2024.

In addition, provision has been made for the payment of a lump sum, also linked to the various levels, which is to be paid in two equal tranches in July 2024 and July 2025. This amount will be attributed according to the length of the employment relationship as well as the actual work provided in the period from 1 January 2022 to 31 March 2023.

In addition to salary increases, in compliance with the provisions of Italian Decree-Law no. 48/2023 (the so-called “Employment Decree”), the parties to the CCNL intervened on the issue of fixed-term employment contracts, identifying the reasons that allow their use for more than 12 months.

Finally, particular attention was paid to the issues of gender equality and the fight against abuse against women through the provision of simplifications on the methods of taking parental leave and, also, through the provision of specific leave for women who are the victims of abuse.

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