
Work: draft is ready for the agreement between State and Region on refinancing welfare provisions.

2 May 2011

The President’s Office of the Council of Ministers distributed the agreement scheme yesterday for a 24 month extension on various forms of income assistance, including exemption for welfare provisions.

The President’s Office of the Council of Ministers distributed the agreement scheme yesterday for a 24 month extension on various forms of income assistance, including exemption for welfare provisions. The draft, which should be signed next week during the State-Region Conference, envisages for exempt welfare provisions for this year and 2012, that the Government and Regions will allocate an endowment totalling 2.6 billion of which 1.6 from the Government and the remaining billion guaranteed by the Regions that, for that purpose, will use EU funds and the remainder of resources committed but not spent in 2009-2010.


(Source il Sole 24 Ore)

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