
Ristori Decree: help for employers

2 November 2020

Following the evolution of the coronavirus situation, the government approved a new decree containing help for companies and workers.

Specifically. Italian Law Decree no. 137/2020, also called the Ristori Decree, strengthens the wage guarantee schemes and wage integrated fund, which will be available to companies for 6 additional weeks from 16 November 2020 to 31 January 2021, as long as they already benefited from the 18 weeks allocated by the August Decree. Moreover, it introduces a new contribution exemption for companies that have used social safety nets for the COVID-19 emergency in the month of June and do not intend to use these additional 6 weeks.

The decree also introduces the suspension of INPS contribution and INAIL premium payments for employers effected by the restrictive measures of the DPCM of last 24 October, such as bars/cafes, restaurants, cinemas and theatres: thus these employers may make payments due in November 2020 by 16 March 2021 or, alternatively, in 4 instalments starting from the same date.

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