
Parental Leave 2021: INPS clarifications

28 April 2021

With circular letter no. 63 of April 14, 2021, INPS has provided the first clarifications regarding the right for working parents in the private sector to benefit of the leave introduced by decree law 30/2021.

The leave, covered by a notional contribution, is aimed at workers with children under of 14 years of age or severely disabled children who are affected by Covid, in contact quarantine or, possibly, with suspended teaching activities.

For the periods of abstention, INPS grants the employee an indemnity equal to 50% of the salary.

The leave can only be taken in cases where the work duties cannot be carried out in a “smart working” mode and as an alternative to the other cohabiting parent, or even non-cohabiting parents in the case of a severely disabled child.

Furthermore, for parents with children aged between 14 and 16, the right to abstain from work has been stated, without, however, payment of the salary or allowances nor recognition of a notional contribution, with a prohibition on dismissal and the the right to retain a job.

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