
INPS: wage guarantee as a supplement to earnings

30 August 2010

INPS issued its memorandum no. 107 on 5 August 2010, specifying that individuals receiving wage guarantee benefits do not necessarily lose these benefits upon finding work as an independent contractor or employee.

INPS issued its memorandum no. 107 on 5 August 2010, specifying that individuals receiving wage guarantee benefits do not necessarily lose these benefits upon finding work as an independent contractor or employee. Benefit payments and job earnings are not mutually exclusive but must be considered according to the situations that arise in the present complexity of the employment relationship. For example, workers may not continue to collect wage guarantee benefits if they accept a new full-time job under an open-ended contract. If the original employment relationship ends, partial or total cumulative benefits are possible. Benefit recipients may continue to receive the wage guarantee if they accept a temporary, occasional job paid with vouchers (up to € 3,000 per year) or part-time work as long as long as the job is worked in a time frame compatible with the suspended employment relationship, or in respect of the maximum weekly work schedule.


(Il Sole 24 Ore)

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