
INPS: training for laid off workers under control

30 August 2010

In its message no. 20810/10, INPS declared that the regional and provincial labour offices must submit to the regional social security office responsible for the territory all agreements that employers have signed with the labour unions to involve workers receiving supplementary income benefits in training and professional redevelopment courses in the company (set forth by Law Decree no. 78/09, converted to Law no. 102/09).

In its message no. 20810/10, INPS declared that the regional and provincial labour offices must submit to the regional social security office responsible for the territory all agreements that employers have signed with the labour unions to involve workers receiving supplementary income benefits in training and professional redevelopment courses in the company (set forth by Law Decree no. 78/09, converted to Law no. 102/09). In addition, they must also submit the list of individuals who will be taking part in these projects. INPS can then monitor the quarterly expense and keep the Ministry of Labour up to date.  In the same message, INPS also specified that workers involved in such training or redevelopment projects must be paid:

·         the difference between the supplementary income payable (gross of the required withholdings) and the original gross compensation paid by the employer as compensation;

·         the deemed contribution corresponding to the base compensation set forth by law for the type of supplementary income payable to the employee, as a benefit, accredited by INPS.


(Il Sole 24 Ore)

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