
INPS: electronic transmission of medical certificates

13 September 2010

With its circular letter no. 119/10 INPS provides instructions on the procedures for sending medical certificates to the Certified E-mail box (PEC) indicated by the employer, as an additional procedure envisaged by Italian Ministerial Decree of 26 February 2010.

With its circular letter no. 119/10 INPS provides instructions on the procedures for sending medical certificates to the Certified E-mail box (PEC) indicated by the employer, as an additional procedure envisaged by Italian Ministerial Decree of 26 February 2010. Following recent changes to the law, ill workers who have the right to an economic indemnity from Inps are no longer required to send Inps the medical certificate, except in cases where it is impossible to send it electronically, however workers are still required to send or transmit (by registered post with return receipt) the employer the medical certificate in printed form given to them by their doctor, within two days from when it is issued. However, this obligation is not required if the employers use the new service made available by Inps: sending the medical certificates to a previously indicated certified e-mail box.

(Il Sole 24 Ore)

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