
INPS: online audits of businesses with at least 300 thousand euro in monthly contributions

30 August 2010

In its message no. 18610/10, INPS illustrated the assistance given to large enterprise, i.e., administrative audit actions implemented by an electronic, computerized procedure that grants access to key company data.

In its message no. 18610/10, INPS illustrated the assistance given to large enterprise, i.e., administrative audit actions implemented by an electronic, computerized procedure that grants access to key company data. Businesses subjected to this type of audit have average monthly contribution payables of 300 thousand euro (based on the DM 10 presented in 2009). Companies’ social security contribution systems will be verified by access to the “company social security drawer" and to the accounting records and adjustment notes. Furthermore, INPS will check the prerequisites to requests for income supplements and the types of employment contracts entered into with employees. Finally, after completing the analysis of the company situation and in view of any social security discrepancies, INPS can request a company meeting to submit specific documentation and collection procedures may be initiated or reports made to supervisory inspectors.


(Il Sole 24 Ore)

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