Leave of absence changes and relevant forms

By means of notice 99/10, INPS provides operational information about the latest news regarding work abroad postings introduced by the two regulations: E.C. no. 883/04 and no. 987/09, effective as of May 1.

By means of notice 99/10, INPS provides operational information about the latest news regarding work abroad postings introduced by the two regulations: E.C. no. 883/04 and no. 987/09, effective as of May 1. From this date, the maximum amount of leave doubled from 12 to 24 months. The E102 form has been nullified and replaced by the E101 form using the A1 form formula allowing for a 24 month period of leave. INPS has circulated a copy of the A1 form.

(il Sole 24 Ore)

INPS: Special Leave Granted for Assistance to Disabled Family Members

By means of notice no.17899 from July 6 2010, referring solely to the private sector, INPS confirms that funds allotted for the two year special leave granted to those giving assistance to a disabled family member shall be provided by INPS.

By means of notice no.17899 from July 6 2010, referring solely to the private sector, INPS  confirms that funds allotted for the two year special leave granted to those giving assistance to a disabled family member shall be provided by INPS.

(il Sole 24 Ore)

Work and disability: special leave

By means of notice no. 17899 from July 6 2010, INPS announced that allowances given to workers qualifying for special leave in order to care for people with severe disabilities must be paid by the employer using funds provided by INPS as well as in situations where private sector workers are affiliated with another institution.

By means of notice no. 17899 from July 6 2010, INPS announced that allowances given to workers qualifying for special leave in order to care for people with severe disabilities must be paid by the employer using funds provided by INPS as well as in situations where private sector workers are affiliated with another institution. The leave described above was established by Art. 4, paragraph 2 of Law no. 53/2000 to allow for the assistance of persons with serious disabilities, whose condition is validated by relevant certification. The maximum period for leave established by law is two years throughout one’s entire working career. The employee who takes advantage of this leave during the year 2010 receives an allowance equal to the earnings of the previous year with a maximum of 32,766 euros in addition to a contributory credit, for a total maximum of 43,579.06 euros.

(il Sole 24 Ore)

INPS: Tutorial Initiative to prevent anomalies

By means of notice 18610/10, INPS has announced the activation of a “tutorial” procedure which will allow an administrative verification of companies with certain characteristics.

By means of notice 18610/10, INPS has announced the activation of a “tutorial” procedure which will allow an administrative verification of companies with certain characteristics. The goal is to build an operational mechanism aimed at preventing the anomalies generated by the flow of contributions coming from companies.

(il Sole 24 Ore)

Severance pay: set the coefficient of June for the T.F.R.

The appreciation rate for severance indemnities (T.F.R.) contributions, accrued at 31 December 2009, amounted to 1.467968%.

The appreciation rate for severance indemnities (T.F.R.) contributions, accrued at 31 December 2009, amounted to 1.467968%.


(Il Sole 24 Ore)

Ministry of Labour: Tax exemptions with company transfers

In response to rulings 20/10, the Ministry of Labour, confirmed that in the case of a company transfer, tax exemptions under art. 8, paragraph 9, of Law 407/90 are passed from the transferor to the transferee for the balance up to and including the termination of contract date.

In response to rulings 20/10, the Ministry of Labour, confirmed that in the case of a company transfer, tax exemptions under art. 8, paragraph 9, of Law 407/90 are passed from the transferor to the transferee for the balance up to and including the termination of contract date. Regardless of the change in company ownership, the working relationship established with the transferor employer will continue with the transferee without interruption, regardless of the legal transaction employed (branch transfer, transfer .. ..)

(il Sole 24 Ore)

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